I'm a beginner gardener hoping to turn my 1.5 acres of poorly drained, deer nibbled, grass filled with rocks into a whimsical mini woodland, cut flower, vegetable growing, nature focused, country cottage garden.
I also have a curiosity of natural magic and its history, sustainable living and the use of nature for wellbeing.
I’m Hannah and Seedling Spells is my little space of nature and whimsy.
In December 2022 my husband and I moved from North Wales/Shropshire to a little house on the West Coast of Scotland with 1.5 acres. This is very exciting to us after years of living in houses that were either rented or had limited outdoor space to play with.
I’ve experimented a little with small cottage garden boarders and tiny pockets of wildflowers (where I wouldn’t get in too much trouble in my rented cottage) but I’m very new to gardening and wanted a little space where I could diarise our garden updates and share nuggets of inspiration and ideas. It’s also motivation for me to get outside more and provide some much needed mindfulness.
I’m working on creating a simpler and slower paced lifestyle infused with enchantment and I’m starting with planting, growing and sowing little seeds of magic, as well as reading, learning and writing about the histories and role of nature in wellbeing, lore and natural magic.
Feel free to explore any of these ideas and interests ✨🌱
Using the garden as a form of therapy I’m conscious not to get too ambitious or impatient, but I do have a few aspirations…
Cottage gardens are my favourite type of garden and I’ve harboured a desire for my own outdoor space to look like it belongs in St Mary Mead for years. Rambling roses, swaying foxgloves, bee-covered lavender and perfect pastel sweet-peas will be high on my agenda.
Forests and woodlands are some of our favourite habitats to spend time in and my husband is particularly keen on creating tree pockets around the garden. He’s eager to keep things native so scots pine, silver birch, alder, wild cherry, hazel, oak and mountain ash are slowly being planted.
Perfect lawns can look lovely but we’re more into the ‘wild’ look when it comes to our own garden. We have thousands of wildflower seeds to plant to slowly replace the lawn for a more natural and wildlife-friendly space. Wildlife is a big consideration for us and we’re keen to encourage birds, bees, butterflies and other insects as well as wilder neighbours like pine marten. Red deer have already helped themselves to anything edible in the garden and so we’re compromising on some of our space to exclude them from certain areas but not others for now.
I’ve long wished for my own little patch of flowers I can grow and cut to have a house full of my favourites.
I have alot of food allergies and intolerances and vegetables make up the majority of my diet. Buying so much food in plastic packaging and/or that’s flown miles makes me really anxious and guilty and so I’d like to start growing the vegetables I eat most to cut down on this waste and carbon.